Tuesday, December 15, 2009
1. This game is about how people can get hivs and aids alsohow you can make right choices and prevent this from happening. Another thing this game shows is what would happen if you make the wrong choice by having sex without protection.
Posted by g3n3sis at 5:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sribbled wall
1. I think this mean that if someone destroys something is easier beacause They don't care about wat they are destroying but is hard 2 rebuild something dat you work hard on
Posted by g3n3sis at 8:52 AM 0 comments
W3ll see I do b3lieve in lov3 @ first sight. If love is very strong like they say it is then it can happen any moment. I compare this to twilight b3cause bella new that h3 was the on3* 4ever and she wanted 2 b3come a vampir3 just 2 be wit him 4 the rest of h3r life. When you first s33 some one that you don't know but you do love you'll get nervous and just stare @ them. Some people will know when dat person is the one. =)
Posted by g3n3sis at 8:38 AM 0 comments
nicole hacking *****
ooooook so wahh can i say about this girl well she is maaa funny she is so sweet and no matter wah she does ,wahh eva she puts her mind to she always does it .....she tells mii maaa stuff that is hilarious even though we fight we are always friend to the end becuase our friendship is maaa strong well this was nicole a.k.a nikki in genesis blog luv ya peace : )
Posted by g3n3sis at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
B3lla & 3dward Relationship
I think that Edward's and Bella's relationship is kind of abusive because they are both going through so many obstacles just to be together 4ever. Bella can't be with edward if she's not a vampire, and Bella is a human. Bella gets hurt many times in twilight which was not good, and edward and his family can get kiled because of Bella.
Posted by g3n3sis at 7:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
This is my flower bomb. It has different kinds of seeds. It's shaped like a pastelillo it's a kind of food
Posted by g3n3sis at 7:52 AM 0 comments